The Rissfox Multisensor electronic is the logical addition for our successful crack analysis systems, since this highly flexible expansion module allows you to connect up to four additional crack sensors to our Rissfox Mini data logger control center.
Use our high-precision crack sensors that have proven themselves over many years for analyzing together with the Rissfox Mini data logger crack displacements at up to five locations at the same time. Combined with our high-performance remote data communication system Remotefox you can also monitor and continuously log measurement readings for up to ten cracks even at a distance of several hundred kilometers away.
The Rissfox Multisensor moreover possesses an easy-to-configure and flexible alarm output for all connected sensors. By this means, you can be alerted directly and quickly in case of e.g. excessive crack growth or if a predefined alarm threshold is surpassed. The alarm can also be set to alert only after the situation has lasted over an extended period of time thanks to the alarm delay feature. Alarm notification can be implemented with the aid of various systems such as our SMS Alarm System, the Acoustic Alarm, ... etc.
Similar to our Rissfox Mini, the crack sensors can be zeroed (tare function) using the enclosed magnet. All other parameters are configured with the aid of the SoftFOX software. It can be used to activate the system’s individual inputs, to modify the zeroing / calibration values and to program the alarm conditions for individual crack sensors and the general alarm delay feature.

The Rissfox Multisensor is powered independently of the Rissfox Mini with four commercially available AA mignon batteries. Battery voltage is monitored completely self-sufficiently with the System Status LED providing prompt information as to when the batteries have to be replaced.
The following figure shows a Rissfox Mini that has been extended with four additional 10mm crack analysis sensors using the Rissfox Multisensor and thus controls altogether five sensors:

The possible applications of the Rissfox Mini are further extended with the Rissfox Multisensor module. For instance, it allows you to monitor, among other things, cracks on really large buildings, bridge structures, art objects, churches, parking garages, flat roofs, and many more.